Neptune township
Neptune township

In accordance with this agency’s Recruitment Plan, when openings are available or anticipated, the Chief of Police and the Human Resources Department will post notices on agency social media and the police department website. The only thing that is shipped (via USPS, UPS, or FedEx depending on which shipping method you choose) is your actual vital record itself, directly from the government agency to you. The Neptune Township Police Department is an equal opportunity employer in all facets of the personnel process. That’s what makes VitalChek different – and safer – than anything else out there.

neptune township

No other vital records processing service can offer that. A certified copy of a death record that can typically be used to obtain death benefits, claim insurance proceeds, notify social security and other legal purposes. First Copy: 15.00 Additional Copies: 15.00. We don’t have your personal data laying around and everything is done through secure, PCI compliant online data transmission with the government agencies directly. That also means we get to “skip the line” for processing ahead of mail in applications, making our service the fastest available (of course we can’t speed up the agencies themselves, but we do everything we can to keep things moving!). Birth Certificates are available for events that occurred in Neptune Township from 1900 to Present. We process all of our orders through secure online data connections with the issuing government agencies. That means, unlike other online services, your application won’t get lost in the mail or sent to another service for processing. Your child must have turned three or four years old before October 1st of the upcoming school year, and does not have to be fully toilet trained in order to begin the.


VitalChek is the authorized external ordering source for fast, secure vital records processed directly with the issuing government agency at the lowest cost available online. Neptune Township School District offers a free 10-month, 6-hour daily preschool program for children who are three- and four-years old and are Neptune Township residents only.

Neptune township